Independence day

  • On the inside

    Cambodia becomes is autonomous state in the French Union
  • Lost freedom

    Cambodia becomes French controlled
  • WWll

    The Germans invaded Cambodia
  • self government

    Cambodia becomes self controlled government inside the French Union
  • Attack

    Vietnamese troops of Ho Chi-Minh attack Cambodia
  • Independent

    Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia become independent states within the French Union
  • Khmer language

    Khmer language paper was published by Son Ngoc Thanh. Unfortunately, because of it's strong opinion on the reform
  • Freedom

    Cambodia got their independence from France.
  • Background

    In November 1954, Cambodia received full independence from France control 1863.
  • New King

    Prince Norodom Sihanoek becomes head of Cambodia
  • No more US

    Cambodia drops all diplomatic relations with the us
  • Targets

    The US sends troops to target Cambodia
  • We invaded

    Us troops invaded Cambodia.
  • Vietnam Tribunal declares

    Stockholm Vietnam Tribunal declares US aggression in Vietnam/Cambodia
  • RUN

    Cambodia military illegal group under General Lon Nol, prince Sihanuk flees
  • 50,000 more

    50,000 US & South Vietnamese troops invade invaded Cambodia
  • Ends

    Us ends 2 monthly offensive into Cambodia
  • Mass Murder

    With in 1970-1980 a little under 4,000,000 of the population of 7,100,000 were killed 3,300,000 were left.
  • No Bombs

    The US ends secret bombing on Cambobia
  • Coward

    The President of Cambodia Lon Nol flees the country for Red Khmer
  • Taking advantage

    Pol pot took advantage of this opportunity and led his Khmer Rouge army, consisting of mostly teenager peasant.
  • Depoting

    French press reports massive deportation from Cambodia
  • Renamed

    Cambodia was renamed to '' Democratic Kampuchea"
  • Vietnamese invasion

    This was the increase of the amount of murders and arrest in Cambodia terrifying reign that went on until the Vietnamese invasion
  • the last of them

    The last of the Vietnamese soldiers leave Cambodia.