
  • Feb 17, 1500

    The Battle

    The Battle of Hemmingstedt
  • Mar 20, 1500

    The Burning

    The Burning
    A lot of soilders took over the town fires burning people being put into big fenced areas. All kinds of fright in the air.
  • Period: Mar 25, 1500 to Dec 25, 1500


  • Apr 20, 1500

    The sight

    Is when raven finally sees that andres really likes her a lot and not catalina.
  • May 11, 1500

    The win

    Ottoman fleet defeated venetians.
  • May 19, 1500

    The claiming

    Portugal claimed Brazil !
  • May 19, 1500

    The walk

    Raven finds out what she is and runs away and some how finds her dads beaten and grave area.
  • May 22, 1500

    The truth

    The truth
    Raven finally finds out what she is and other stuff she did not know untilthings started to fall a part.
  • May 27, 1500

    Toilet thinking

    Toilet  thinking
    The wheel-lock musket invented and the first flushing toilets appered.
  • Jun 26, 1500

    Catalina and her mother seen in the Arriases house

    Catalina and her mother seen in the Arriases house
    Were raven see catalina and her mother in the arriases house surching there house. And taking there siver and treasures
  • Jun 27, 1500

    Euopean routes

    Euopean routes
    The power of the portuguese nation begings to decline this marks the start of many european nations pursuing the sea route rather than the land route to india.
  • Aug 27, 1500

    The sad ending

    The sad ending
    Raven sees her mom in jail in the widow . So she tryies to get her out. But before she can the soilders caught the jail on fire before she could get her out.
  • Aug 27, 1500

    My words

    When raven tells andres that she wants him to stay in town so he won't get hurt and it breaks her heart to say it.
  • Aug 28, 1500

    The Run

    The Run
    When raven her grandma and andres try to run to amstrdam to get help and hopefully be safe. From the soilders and harm. And to soon tell her children her path to safty.
  • Aug 28, 1500

    Never giving up

    After those words he would not give up so he got some stuff that raven needed and stayed by her side.
  • Oct 10, 1500

    My story

    At the end raven hopes someday when she makes it to amsterdam she can tell her kids her story.