in the year of the boar and jackie robinson

By mc6076@
  • bandit

    heart packed full to live in brooklyn
  • history 1

    history 1
    moving to brooklyn for job
  • baseball

    learned there was baseball
  • practice

    practice starts for baseball
  • Period: to

    time spand

  • history 2

    history 2
    geting jersays befor the game in a few weeks
  • history 3

    history 3
    geting ready for game tomorrow
  • 1st game

    1st game
    first game of the season
  • history 4

    history 4
    lost fist game yestorday
  • second game

    second game
    the second game after the horible loss of the first game
  • end of second game

    end of second game
    we mashed them
  • off week

    off week
    its our off week for team this week
  • 3rd game

    3rd game
    3rd game after off season and we are lossing
  • 5th game

    5th game
    5th wevare wining
  • last game

    last game
    4 and 2 if we win we aare going to play offs
  • history 5

    history 5
    we are going to the play offs we won