In The Pacific

By villalb
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    It was a surprise attack from Japan in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. It damaged the american fleet that is when United states declared war on japan. The attack was because Japan didn't have enough oil and natural resources.
  • Dutch East Indies and Dutch Borneo

    Dutch East Indies and Dutch Borneo
    Japanese invaded Dutch Indies and Dutch Borneo on January 11, 1942. They did because of the valuable resources like rubber and oil. They invaded by sending ships and preparing very well for the war.
  • First Japanese Warship That Sunk

    First Japanese Warship That Sunk
    On January 27, 1942 Japan's first warship was sunk by the U.S. submarine. This happen at nine in the morning. This happen by using USS Gudgeon to fight under the pacific. They used her to bet the Japanese.
  • British Surrender at Singapore

    British Surrender at Singapore
    The British surrender at Singapore on February 15, 1942. They only used atomic bomb. This was one of the greatest defeats of Japan.
  • Enterprise Attacks Japanese

    Enterprise Attacks Japanese
    Enterprise attacks Japanese on February 25, 1942 on Wake Island. They attack by air because they had just this for many other battles.
  • Capture of Burma

    Capture of Burma
    Japanese complete the capture of Burma and they reach India on May 20 of the year 1942 because before world war 2 Burma was part of the British empire but was governed as British-India. They wanted to capture Burma be cause of its natural resources but also to protect their main attack which was Singapore and Malaya.
  • Battle of Tasafaronga off Guadalcanal.

    Battle of Tasafaronga off Guadalcanal.
    This battle took place in Tasafaronga on November 30, 1942. They wanted to destroy Japanese warships. This battle was against the United States an Japan.
  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong
    British surrender Hong Kong on December 25, 1941 they surrender it because the Japanese began their raid in Hong Kong as being part of their broad imperial designs in China and also the South Pacific's they did this by attacking Hong Kong.
  • U.S. Marines Invade Tinian.

    U.S. Marines Invade Tinian.
    U.S. Marines Invaded Tinian on July 25, 1943. U.S. Marines invaded by island hopping. America won the battle by eliminating the Japanese. This happen in the Tinian Island.
  • Arawe Peninsula

    Arawe Peninsula
    The U.S troops land on the Arawe Peninsula of New Britain and the Solomon Islands on December 15 of the year 1943 because of the battle of Arawe it was fought between Japan and the Allies. Because the Japanese were expecting an offensive allie in the western Britain.
  • The first U.S. Naval bombardment

    The first U.S. Naval bombardment
    The first U.S. Naval bombardment happen in Japan home island. This happen on July 14, 1945. The bombardment damaged a lot of Japan's factories. U.S. used battleships to causes the damage in the battle. War was almost ending.
  • United Nations Is Born

    United Nations Is Born
    United Nations was born again on October 24, 1945. This was because they didn't want no more conflict in the future. The headquarter was New York City. This was an Intergovernmental Organization.