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In My Life

  • My Birthday!

    My Birthday!
    On the 12th of August, 1999, I was born at Scripps Mercy Hospital. I was 10 pounds and was 9 inches, I think.. I was born with blonde hair and hazel eyes.
  • My Evil Brother was Born.

    My Evil Brother was Born.
    My Little Brother Andrew was born and would annoy me all my life to this day. He was born with red hair and blue eyes. I don't know if it's his hair or his attitude that bugs me but hopefully in time, he'll mature and won't be so annoying,
  • Type One Diabetes

    Type One Diabetes
    On the 13th of Feburary, I was diagnosed with type one diabetes. I had little idea that this would change my life forever. I spent two whole weeks in the hospital trying to decimate my high keytones. On top of that, I had to get used to the fact I would be injecting man-made insulin into my blood stream for the rest of my life at the age of nine.
  • Santee!

    On the ninth of december, I moved to the town of Santee. Learning I would be moving crushed my heart, but when I stepped inside Ms. Glanz's classroom in 4th grade, I was surrounded by friends. Two people who were there from the beginning were Trey and Marin. What made it better was that Marin also had diabetes so I felt as if I was home and I was. I'm surrounded by my friends today and four years ago, I never thought I would be as happy as I am now.
  • My First Scar(s)

    My First Scar(s)
    Riding bikes with a friend, who shall not be named, we arrived at mast park. After ahwhile, we decide to head out. I ride out towards the north and turn a corner infront of a hill. At the sametime, my friend climbs the same hill and finds an empty pickle jar. My hooligan friend, not being the brightest, throws the jar of the hill to see it shatter. Unfortunetley, my hand was there to break the jar's fall.