World War II

By Muaz
  • September 29, 1938 The Munich Conference

    Britain, Italy,France, and German representatives met at the Munich Conference to discuss the fate of Czechoslovakia who resisted to comply with Germany's demands. Hitler and Neville Chamberlain of Britain agreed to a deal where war was avoided but Czechoslovakia was forced to giveup Sudetenland to Germany
  • The Austrian Anschluss

    The Austrian Anschluss
    In 1938 Germany annexes Austria. Hitler threatened to invade Austria unless Austrian Nazis were given important government posts. Hitler sent troops in March and announced the Anschluss, the unification of Germany and Austria.
  • The Nazi Soviet Pact August 23, 1939

    The Nazi Soviet Pact August 23, 1939
    Nonaggression pact signed by Germany and the USSR. The treaty had a secret deal to divide Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union. The Germans used a new type of warfare called blitzkrieg or "lightening war" which used large numbers of tanks to blitz through enemy positions.With Aircraft bombing enemy positions and paratroopers added to the equation, Poland's outdated army stood no chance.By October 5th the Germans had defeated the Poland military.
  • Hitler Demands Danzig March 31, 1939

    Hitler Demands Danzig March 31, 1939
    Danzig was more than 90% German but Hitler demanded it returned to German control. he also requested a highway and railroad across the polish corridor. This convinced Britain and France that war was inevitable. In May Hitler ordered to prepared to invade Poland.
  • The Fall of France 1940

    The Germans referred to this as the sitzkrieg or "sitting war". American newspapers were calling it the Phony War. The French had a built line of concrete bunkers and fortifications called the Maginot Line after World War I. They felt they'd rather sit and wait then risk their troops and attack. This proved to be a terrible idea. Hitler launched a new blitzkrieg.
  • Battle of Britain August 23, 1940

    Battle of Britain August 23, 1940
    Germany accidentally bombed London, the capital of Britain. This attack made Britain furious. They bombed Berlin the following night in response which was the first time in the war bombs fell in Germany's capital. Germany lost 1,733 aircraft and the British lost 915 fighter planes and 449 pilots. On October 12, Hitler canceled the evasion of Britain