In 1917congressed passed the National Vocation ACT aka Smith Hughes ACT which created vocational agriculture classes throughout the country
By kaylinabney
Congress passes National Vocation ACT
In 1917 Congress passed the National Vocation ACT aka Smith Hughes ACT which created vocational agriculture classes throughout the country. -
1920, First boys agriculture club
FFV formed the first boys agriculture club in 1920. -
National Livestock Judging Show
In 1920 the first students particapated in a National Livestock Judging Show. -
Future Farmers Of Virginia was born
Smith Hughe ( father of FFA ) organized the Future Farmers Of Virginia in 1920 -
National FFA Convention
The first national FFA converntion was held. -
Delegates Meet In Kansas City
In November of 1928, 33 delegates met in kansas city, from 18 different states and formed the National FFA President. -
National FFA President
Kansas City was the first national FFA president. -
FFA's Official Colors
In 1929 National blue and corn+gold adopted as the FFA organization's official colors. -
What the color gold means to the FFA
The color gold reminds us that corn is a native American crop grown in every state. -
What The Color Blue Means...
The color blue reminds us that the FFA is a National Organization. -
Official FFA Creed
In 1930, The official FFA creed was adopted by the nation. -
National FFA Speaking Event
The first National FFA public speaking event was held in 1930. -
Blue Corduroy Jacket
In 1933, The Blue Corduroy jacket was adopted as the FFA Official Dress. -
In 1935, The NFA aka, New Farmer Of America was formed -
The NFA was an organization for African Amercian students. -
FFA Magazine
In 1952, the first FFA magazine was published and was called New Farmer's Magazine. -
FFA Code
The FFA Code of Ethics was adopted in1952. -
FFA Stamp
In 1953, the first commerative FFA Stamp was issued by the U.S. Post Office -
National FFA Center
In 1959, the dedication of the first national FFA center was held in Alexandria, Virginia -
FFA creed revised
The FFA creed was revised in 1965 and 1990. -
Female Students
In 1969, FFA membership was opened to female students. -
In 1976, the first FFA student handbook was published. -
National Creed Speaking Event
In 1999, the first national creed speaking event was held