Imre Lakatos: 9 November 1922 - 2 February 1972

  • Imre Lakatos: Entering the Playing Field

    Imre Lakatos: Entering the Playing Field
    In 1960 Lakatos was offered a lectureship position at the London School of Economics. He conducted works the philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of science and where he would meet Karl Popper. Lakatos also worked towards completing his second PhD in 1961 while working the lectureship.
    Falsification and Intellectual Honesty
  • Imre Lakatos: Initial Works

    Imre Lakatos: Initial Works
    During his studies Lakatos "viewed his work in the philosophy of mathematics as extending Popper’s fallibilist philosophy into the unlikely area of mathematics".(Worrall,1) In this time Lakatos authored the works Proofs and Refutations in which he revised Popper's approach based on a view of falsifiability and falsification later being published in 1976.
    Proofs and Refutations
  • Imre Lakatos: Field Turning Point

    Imre Lakatos: Field Turning Point
    After making the Proofs and Refutations papers Lakatos switched fields from history and philosophy of mathematics to the philosophy of empirical sciences. Afterwards he ended up organizing a famous meeting known as the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science including the renown philosophers Kuhn, Popper, Carnap, Quine and Tarski. Lakatos led to contributing 3 papers over the Criticism and Growth of Knowledge.
    Science vs. Pseudoscience
  • Imre Lakatos: His Theory on Evolution of Science

    Imre Lakatos: His Theory on Evolution of Science
    After the retirement of Popper in 1968 and his permeant position as a professor at the London School of Economics in 1969 he made his theoretical mark on history. Lakatos wrote The methodology of scientific research programmes constituting of multiple papers leading to a new theory explaining a new level of scientific evolution.