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Philosopher of Mathmatics

  • Imre Lakatos

    Imre Lakatos
    Born November 9, 1922 in Debrecen, Hungary
    Died February 2, 1974 in London England
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    -Imre Lakatos was born as Imre Lipschitz on November 9, 1922, in Debrecen, Hungary, into a Jewish family.
    - Changed his name and took upon the surname ‘Lakatos’ after fearing the German Nazi invasion of Hungary
    - He completed his education from the University of Debrecen in 1944, graduating in mathematics, physics and philosophy.
  • Career

    -Philosopher of Science and Mathematics
    -1960, he was hired at the London School of Economics as an assistant lecturer in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, wrote extensively on the philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics.
    -compiled a doctoral thesis ‘Essays in the Logic of Mathematical Discovery’, which was published in four parts as ‘Proofs and Refutations’ in ‘The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science’ in 1963-64.
  • Later Life

    Later Life
    -died on February 2, 1974, after suffering a heart attack, at the age of 51, leaving multiple projects in the philosophy of mathematics and science incomplete.
    -In 1978, his papers, previously published in several scholarly journals, were compiled and released posthumously as ‘Philosophical Papers’.