Imre Lakatos

  • Imre Lakatos Birth

    Imre Lakatos was born in Debrecen, Hungary on November 9th in 1922.
  • Imre Lakatos: Education

    Imre Lakatos earned several degrees in 1944. Lakatos completed his studies in mathematics, physics, and philosophy.
  • Imre Lakatos: names

    Throughout Lakatos life he changed his name many times. He was born Irme Liposchitz. To escape persecution Molnar became his new last name, and due to economic reasons he changed his name to Lakatos.
  • Imre Lakatos: Education

    In 1961 Lakatos earned his Ph.D in philosophy from the University of Cambridge. Lakatos spent time studying at the University of Budapest in 1945-1946, and at the University of Moscow in 1949.
  • Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes

    Lakatos creating the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes attempted to resolve the argument conflict between Popper's theory on falsification and Kuhn's Scientific Structure.
  • Lakatos: Research Programme

    Research Programme is based on hard core theoretical hypotheses, that can't be altered or dismissed, without dismissing the entire research program. The protective belt surrounds the bases of the theoretical hypotheses, which protects the hard core from anomalies.
  • Imre Lakatos Death

    Imre Lakatos died in London on February 2 1974.
  • Lakatos: "Proof and Refutations"

    "Proofs and Refutations" was book published after Lakatos death. The book focused on Lakatos four part article on the Logic of Mathematical Discovery, published by the British Journal.
  • References

    Kadvany, John. "Lakatos, Imre." Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy, edited by D.C. Phillips, Sage Publications, 1st edition, 2014. Credo Reference, Accessed 07 Apr. 2019.
  • References

    Wright, Andrew. "LAKATOS, Imre (or Liposchitz or Molnar: 1922-74)." Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers, edited by Stuart Brown, Continuum, 1st edition, 2005. Credo Reference, Accessed 07 Apr. 2019
  • References

    Wright, Andrew, and ANDREW WRIGHT. "Lakatos, Imre (originally Imre Liposchitz, later Imre Molnar)." Biographical Dictionary of 20th Century Philosophers, edited by Stuart C. Brown, et al., Routledge, 1st edition, 2002. Credo Reference, Accessed 07 Apr. 2019
  • YouTube video

    A short explanation of Lakatos Research Program.