Lakatos image

Imre Lakatos (1922 - 1974)

  • Birth

    Lakatos was born in Debrecen, Hungary on November 9th, 1922.
  • Graduated From the University of Debrecen

    Graduated From the University of Debrecen
    He graduated with degrees in mathematics, physics, and philosophy.
  • Obtained PhD

    Obtained PhD
    He obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Cambridge with the essay "Essays in Logic of Mathematical Discovery"
  • Became a Professor of Logic

    Became a Professor of Logic
    Lakatos became LSE's Professor of Logic, during his time there he was an opponent to Marxism and played a prominent role in opposing the socialist student radicals. He argues against the politicization of scholarship.
  • "Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research"

    "Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research"
    He attempted to reconcile Popper's falsificationism with Kuhn's model of scientific theory. His main contribution to science would come at this time with the idea of a new scientific research program.
  • BBC Radio Talk

    BBC Radio Talk
    He gave a talk on BBC radio about science and pseudoscience.
  • Death

    Lakatos died of a heart attack at the age of 51
  • Lakatos Award

    Lakatos Award
    The London School of Economics introduced the Lakatos Award to honor his contributions and memory; it is given to candidates who are making exceptional contributions to the philosophy of science.