Pages 1-10
Connor, his name is i think, tried to kill himself by shooting his heart but somehow mised and hit a bone. He is now in a recovery room/place with other suicidal people. -
Pages 11-96
Explains the thre characters situations, Tony, Vanessa, and Connor.Talks about their experiences in the home hospital thing. -
Pages 97-144
All three characters meet eachother. They get visits from family. They get pain. -
pages 145-190
After their seperate visits, they go to dinner and Tony almost gets in a fight and Connor meets Vanessa. Connor and Tony become friends even though Tony is gay. -
pages 191-274
It's mandatory to go to church, Connor, Vanessa, and Tony all become friends. Police come looking for drugs but only some get caught. -
pages 275-344
Everone gets visits again. Connor is angry but they all make level three. Vanessa almost gets caught sneaking to the bathroom. -
pages 345-404
Every one writes poems in class and vanessa sort of has a seisure.EVerone visits home except Tony and Connor so they go out to the movies and Connor meets an old friend. -
pages 405-482
Tony, Dahlia, Connor, and some teachers go out to watch a movie.Mean while Vanessa goes home and her dada comes home too. Connor visits home. -
pages 483-524
Main characters get ready for a camp last step before they go home. Connor gets weird and Vanessa tells him how she cares for him -
pages 525-590
Connor seems to b having a tough time through out this whole experience. Vanessa and tony admit their nw fund love or one another. -
pages 591-634
Vanessa and Tony confess their deepest secrets and so does Connor. Everyone gets letters back from hom and they're all promising except for Connors which in fact seems to be decieving instead. -
pages 635-666
Connor's letter angers him and the next day they have to go rock climbing. Connor goes last and when he finally reaches the top he stands close to the edge and says goodbye and takes a step back. That is the end of his story while Tony and vanessa start th beginning of their's.