Important Events in Immigration Throughout History

  • Naturalization Act of 1798

    Naturalization Act of 1798
    Applicants for citizenship have to declare their intention for becoming a citizen 5 years before they can apply. They also must have lived in the United States for 14 years upon application and are no longer apart of a nation that the U.S. was at war with during the time of appliying.
  • Alien Friends Act of 1798

    Alien Friends Act of 1798
    This act allowed the president to be able to deport any alien at any time as long as he deemed them to be a threat. If the alien lives in the country then they could be imprioned for 3 years and never be allowed to become a citizen. The president could also offer an alien temporary residency.
  • Alien Enemies Act of 1798

    Alien Enemies Act of 1798
    This act had prerequosites to it, America had to be at war with a forgien nation and to have had been invaded by that forgien nation. If these two thing happend then any male who was 14 or older and was a citizen of that forgien nation and had yet been naturalized was subjected to deportation or improssonment because they were alien enemies
  • Steerage Act of 1819

    Steerage Act of 1819
    This act established rules for the ships that were carrying passengers to the U.S..
  • Anti-coolie law of 1862

    Anti-coolie law of 1862
    This law banned transportation of "coolies" to the U.S. for labor. This law went into depth about being punished for the act of helping transport "coolies", or trading them, to even building the ship that ransported them.
  • Page Law of 1875

    Page Law of 1875
    This law states that any imigrant from Asia, China, or Japan must be coming to the U.S. on their on free will. Any citizen of the U.S, who tried to transport someone from Asia, China, or Japan without the governments consent would be fined and jailed. This law also staed that anyone in the past who illegally supplied a "coolie" laborer would also be fined and jailed. The same goes for anyone who tried to transport a woman for prostitution.
  • Immigration Act of 1882

    Immigration Act of 1882
    This act stated that any alien who entered a U.S. port would have to pay a 50 cents tax. Each passenger would then have to be examined.
  • Contract Labor Law of 1885

    Contract Labor Law of 1885
    This act forbade Americans from taking part in labor contracts with immigrations beofre their migration to the U.S.. THis law also forbade captains from transporting immigrants who were under labor contracts. This law was created to stop the importation of cheap labor.
  • Immigration Act of 1917

    Immigration Act of 1917
    This act restricts the immigration of undesirable people. THis act also resticted people from the Asiatic Barred Zone. Another factor of this act is the literacy test. Each immigrants is given a literacy test that they must pass in order to enter the U.S..
  • The Immigration Act of 1924

    The Immigration Act of 1924
    This act set quotas that limited immigration from certain countries. There were immigrants who were considered non-quota immigrants, these were woman, unmarried kids under the age of 18, and religous or academic proffessions. People who didn't fit under these categorizes were considered a quota immigrant who had annual limitations.
  • Wartime Measure of 1941

    Wartime Measure of 1941
    This act allowed American diplomats or consular officers the power to refuse a visa or temporary work visa if they have a reason to believe that they will endanger U.S. society
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

    Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
    This act was made to exclude unlawful and immoral immigrants from immigrating to the U.S..
  • Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

    Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
    This act adresses both legal and illegal immigration. It talks about upgrading border patrol, penalties for transporting illegal immigrants, the governments role in assisting aliens, and immigrant employment along with other misc. issues.
  • Secure Fence Act of 2006

    Secure Fence Act of 2006
    President George W. Bush signed this act as part of his immigration reform. Allows the Department of Homeland Security to have control over the U.S.-Mexico border. This act also addresses the evaluation and construction of the border fence.
  • Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act

    Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act
    This is a very controversal act that states that officers have the right to pull someone over as long as they have reasonable suspicion that they arn't a citizen of the U.S. and have immigrated here illegally.