Alice Paul
Role in women’s suffrage that passed the 19th amendment. Became head of NAWSA, but soon left due to different views. She formed the National Woman’s Party in 1916 which protested against the president's refusal to support the woman’s suffrage movement. Formed the Silent Sentinels to protest in front of the White House. Her hunger strike, and the violence shown towards the women soon became widely known. 1919 the 19th amendment was passed into law. -
Lucy Burns
Co-founded Congressional Union. Co-founded National Woman’s Party. Helped organize the suffrage parade in Washington, DC. Head of lobbying in Congress. Edited NWP’s journal, The Suffragist. Spent the most time in jail than any other suffragist Organized White House strikes and distractions -
Amelia Earhart
1922 she broke the women's altitude record at 14,000 feet. Was elected as an official for National Aeronautic Association and wanted to create separate speed, altitude, and endurance records for women. First woman to fly alone over the Atlantic ocean(1932.) First person to fly alone over the Pacific ocean. Attempted flight around the world and made it, as the first person, to fly from the Red Sea to India. -
Shirley Crisholm
First African American elected to Congress. Created a club in college for African Americans after fighting against the all white club who denied African American access. She was a main part in creating the Bedford-Stuyvesant Political League(a group who wants to see African Americans getting more political voices.) Created Unity Democratic Club(helping American American and Hispanic voters.) -
Sandra Day O'Connor
First women to be in the U.S. Supreme Court(approved 99-0.) Served with the U.S. Supreme Court for 24 years. Elected for Arizona State Senate for two terms. Was an important vote for the Roe V. Wade case(helped create the rules for Planned Parenthood. -
Sally K. Ride
First American woman to go to space. Went on the Challenger three times. Earned a Ph.D. in astrophysics. Out of 8,000 applicants wanting to go to space, she was the only woman selected. -
Malala Yousafzai
Youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner. Brought attention to children’s education in the world. 3 million people signed her petition called the Malala Petition. Created Malala Fund to give education to 40 girls. After a speech she gave, United States Secretary General announced that the Global Education First Initiative will be giving every child the opportunity of education. -
Hillary Clinton
First Lady of United States. First Lady of Arkansas. Secretary of State from 2009-2013. Has been listed as one of the most influential lawyers. Ran for president. Worked towards universal health care. -
Sonia Sotomayor
First Hispanic women elected to United States Supreme Court. Third women to serve in the U.S. Supreme Court. Co-recipient of the M. Taylor Pyne Prize at Princeton which is the highest award Princeton gives to undergraduates. Worked on almost every judicial level. -
Emma Watson
Watson is the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. Gave a speech to start the “HeForShe” campaign(causing men to take a stand for gender equality.) “HeForShe” website - http://www.heforshe.org/ She is fighting for women and men equality. She is spreading this problem to everyone, even singers and actresses. She is making this problem well known with her travels and speeches.