Apr 12, 1021
New Method for Controlled Experiments
Apr 12, 1543
First Theory That Everything Revolved Around The Sun, Not Earth
Earliest Form of the microscope was invented
Newton: Laws of Gravity
Controlled Experiments
Faraday: First Electric Circuit
First Contact Lens
Alexander Flemming created the first anitbiotics. -
Louis Pasture Experiments with bacteria
This is what caused vaccinations, alchohol to remove bacteria, and burning metal to disinfect it. -
Theory of Relativity (Albert Einstien)
Einstien's Theory of Relativity explains the relationship between speed, time, and distance -
Big Bang Theory
Georges Lemaître came up with a theory that stated the universe was once a dot that expolded and everything landed perfectly in place to create the universe. -
Pennicilin discovered by Alexander Flemming
Early Method
At this time the earliest form of the scientific method was created,