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Important Scientific Discoveries 1800 - 2015

  • Allessandro Volta

    Allessandro Volta
    Invention of the baterry
  • John Dalton - Atomic Theory in Chemistry

    John Dalton - Atomic Theory in Chemistry
  • Lord Kelvin - Absolute zero

    Lord Kelvin - Absolute zero
  • Louis Pasteur - Germ Theory

    Louis Pasteur - Germ Theory
  • Albert Einstein - Theory of relativity

    Albert Einstein - Theory of relativity
  • Ernest Rutherford - Atom Nucleus

    Ernest Rutherford - Atom Nucleus
  • Neils Bohr - Model of the Atom

    Neils Bohr - Model of the Atom
  • Edwin Hubble - Milky Way is one galaxy

    Edwin Hubble - Milky Way is one galaxy
  • Edwin Hubble - Edwins law of the expanding universe

    Edwin Hubble - Edwins law of the expanding universe
  • James Clerk Maxwell - Theory of Electromagnetism

    James Clerk Maxwell - Theory of Electromagnetism
  • Photonic Molecules Discovered at MIT

    Photonic Molecules Discovered at MIT