Important Moments Of My Life

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born on a Friday close to midnight.
  • Family Trip to India

    Family Trip to India
    I went to India to see my family after a long time away.
  • My Grandmother's sister died.

    My Grandmother's sister died.
    I have had a lot of deaths in my extended family, but this was the first one that happened to a person that I personally knew. And it hit really close to home and it affected my entire 8th-grade year.
  • Vacation in Puerta Vallarta

    Vacation in Puerta Vallarta
    I went on a vacation with my parents and my uncle and his kids, and his girlfriend and kids. It was soo much fun and I don't think I will ever forget it.
  • The start of world termination

    The start of world termination
    COVID started. And it impacted my high school career and also stunted my social development.
  • My uncle died

    My uncle died
    It was the weekend before finals week last year. And I spent the entire weekend with my family and the loss brought us together as a whole.
  • I went to Harry Potter World for my birthday

    I went to Harry Potter World for my birthday
    My parents took me to Universal Studios to visit Harry Potter World for the first time and I was soo excited because I love Harry Potter.
  • SAT Score

    SAT Score
    I got a 1300 on my first SAT test.
  • The braves won the world series

    The braves won the world series
  • My graduation!!

    My graduation!!
    I'm graduating next year!
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    I will be graduating from college and starting my master's degree in criminal justice (hopefully).