Important Media Changes

By cat.k
  • Camera

    Oskar Barnack
  • Television

    John Logie Baird introduced the first televison in January 26 1926 in England. BBC becomes a regular television broadcast in 1930. By 1936, 200 television sets are used around the world. In 1950 coloured TV was introduced.
  • Floppy Disk

    Alan Shugart
  • Cellular Phone

    Cellular Phone
    Wireless communication was introduced to us, when Martin Cooper invented the cellular phone on April 3 1973.
    "People want to talk to other people - not a house, or an office, or a car. Given a choice, people will demand the freedom to communicate wherever they are, unfettered by the infamous copper wire. It is that freedom we sought to vividly demonstrate in 1973," - Martin Cooper
  • Laptop

    Adam Osborne is the creator of laptops.
  • Wi-Fi

    AT&T are founders of Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is great on the go access to the internet to check email, do work etc.
  • Internet

  • Ipod

    Tony Fadell with the help of Apple employees created the first ipod in October 2001.
  • Facebook

    Mark Zuckerberg is thie creator of facebook. Facebook is a connection to people through interests, school, work and twitter. It updates us on the bands we like and friends. You are connected through mutual friends as well.
  • Youtube

    Steven Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim invented the video website Youtube. Youtube is significant to our modern media life bacause we are able to browse all kinds of videos. It lets us catch up on latest music videos, new artists/bands, listen to music, movie trailers, etc.