Jan 1, 1440
Printing Press
Johannas created the printing press; these are wooden blocks that took a long time to create a mass amount. -
Jan 1, 1440
Moveable Printing Press
Gutanberg made the movable printing press which was the first idea of mass production -
First Colonial Books
Stephen Daye wrote biblical psalms -
Colonial Newspaper
Ben Harris. Had one issue but then was banned because of negative views towards the British government. First newspaper was "Publick Occurances, Both Forreign and Domestick" -
Sedition Act
This act says that you cannot speak negatively about the government without credible sources. -
Mass Newspaper
Penny papers -
Penny Press
Stephen Daye gave kids jobs to sell newspapers. Mass production. -
Morse Code
This was a fast way of communicating without words, generally used in war. -
First Telegraph Line
Set by Samuel Morse. Went from D.C, Baltimore, and Maryland. -
Associated Press
Through telegraphs, news stories were aloud to be communicated throughout the country rather than just locally -
Alexander Graham Bell invented this; a way of having conversations and communicating with others. -
Created by Edison, this played back sound. -
Yellow Journalism
These were exciting human-interest stories. Created by Pulitzer and Hearst, there was a competition between the two different kinds of newspapers; both exaggerating stories to get a better viewing of their newspapers. -
First communication without wires. -
People begin to use leisure time and watch films along with news reels. -
US based Spanish Paper
First foreign speaking newspaper- El Iario-La Prensa. -
Griffith United Artists
A group was created by a group of actors in hopes to give the power to the artists rather than the studios being in control. -
Home Radio
This created a way for families to come together and listen to dramas, and romantic comedies in their living room -
First News Magazine
"Time Magazine" was created-written in narrative form about national news stories -
Radio Act
This act required radio's to act in the "pubic interest." -
Flower and Trees
Disney produces this first full-color movie -
Fireside Chats on Radio
Roosevelt attempted to sue the masses by advising them through the depression everyday. -
Early Cable
Early cable competed with radio as black and white shows were put on screen. -
Digital Computer
First large automatic digital computer that was built at Harvard -
Begin first newscast -
Black and White TV's
Became very common in households -
Rock n' Roll
New music forms challenging stuff. The kids and teens had their own music and became their own demographic. -
Color TV
Color TV was wapproved by FCC. It enhanced the quality of telecast and alllowed for a better picture and detail. -
Continuation from Great Depression
Rise of a network television viewing. There are more people watching TV and receiving messagies and ads. This helps the economy and the medium of TV. -
Rise in FM radio
FM radio became about music, very clear and good quality. -
Cassettes and Transistors
These allow music to become portable. People began taking their music wherever they wanted to. -
Rise of Professional Books
Occupational groups such as businesses are targeted -
First Video Game
Space Wars- video games became one of the highest yearly grossing idustries, eventually. -
Cosmo was a leading magazine that interested women. This magazine paves the wy for specialized subjects in magazines. -
The Saturday Evening Posts
Shut down because of competition with television. -
Mass marketed magazines
People first assemble these. -
People Magazine
Mass marketed magazine. -
Columbus Dispatch
First online newspaper with columns that would become popular once the Internet had higher popularity. -
The Internet
The development of the Internet becomes the fastest media around and allows for worldwide idea sharing, non-linear style, readily accessible. -
CD's Introduced
People are now capable of burning information onto portable dics and put it elsewhere. -
Microsoft Windows
Computers become mroe common and the world speeds up. -
Introduction to film
Nickelodeons were developed; where underpaid workers went to blow off steam after a long day of work. Just a nickel to watch a short film. -
First online game
Dreamcast. Online gaming allows for people around the world to entertain themselves by competing ith or against other people. -
Music files are now electronic and can have many songs or files on a small device. -
Allows for people to access music an other files instantly -
These new phones are able to do nearly everything a computer does, able to access the internet. -
Online Music Stores
Able to legally buy music online. -
Going Digital
A person hardly has to leave the house to do anything they want