Important inventions throughout history

  • Dec 24, 700

    Gunpowder and fireworks

    Gunpowder and fireworks
    Chinese invent gunpowder and fireworks gunpowder has been one of the most influential inventions ever developed. Gunpowder permanently altered the way that human beings wage war, brought an end to the Medieval Ages in Europe and made the Age of Exploration possible.
  • telephones

    Charles Wheatstone and William Cooke, in England, and Samuel Morse, in the United States, develop the electric telegraph (a forerunner of the telephone). Telephones were a very important invention because it improved the co mmunitcation between.
  • Paper machine

    Paper machine
    Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier develop the papermaking machine. Without the invention of paper, tons and tons of ideas and discoveries would have been lost. This is because paper allows us to record our thoughts and ideas with ease. It lead to the printing press, newspapers, books, magazines, toilet paper, and many other things which play a part in our lives.
  • Record players Sound

    Record players Sound
    Thomas Edison invents his sound-recording machine or phonograph—a forerunner of the record player and CD player.
  • Power plant

    Power plant
    Thomas Edison opens the world's first power plants.
    without a power plant thhere woulnd't be no electricity in homes or any other places. This grate advance led to all new technology.
  • Amplifiers Electronics History of computers Transistors

    Amplifiers Electronics History of computers Transistors
    John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the transistor, which allows electronic equipment to made much smaller and leads to the modern computer revolution. Well this eliminates human interaction to allow current to turn on or off. When you have two transistors together in a certain connections you can derive logic blocks from it..
  • Lasers

    Charles Townes and Arthur Schawlow invent the maser (microwave laser). Gordon Gould coins the word "laser" and builds the first optical laser in 1958. We need and use lasers because there are some tasks which require their brightness and their focused beam. Lasers are brighter and more focused than other light sources
  • Geiger counters

    Hans Geiger develops the Geiger counter, a detector for radioactivity. An instrument that can detect radiation.