Period: 1960 BCE to
Aswan High Dam (No exact date, just year)
A dam was built between the Nile in Aswen, Egypt. The dam was created to increase irrigation (growth of helping plants or crops) and planned Egypt's industrialization. -
Period: 1929 BCE to 1958 BCE
Prostitution legalized (No actual date)
Prostitution was legalized in Egypt in 1882 by the British occupying administration. 1929 to 1958 was when prostitution was booming. -
Period: to
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Nasser was the second president in Egypt but killed by a heart attack. -
Period: to
Six Day War
Israel was fighting states near them such as Egypt, Jordan and Syria. -
Period: to
Anwar Sadet
Was the third president of Egypt and was assassinated by army officers. -
The Suez Canal
Suez Canal was a sea level waterway. Was built across Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. The Suez Canal was reopened once the 1967 way ended. -
Period: to
Prison currently 1
Saadawi, the author, meets a woman at Qanatir Prison whose name is Firdaus. Firdaus was imprisoned for murdering a man. She is expected to be executed, so she tells Saadawi her whole life story. -
Childhood 2
Firdaus lives a unpleasant childhood. She is beaten by her mother and is expected to work manually. Her parents are poor and eventually die. -
Trauma 3
Her uncle takes her into his household and then sexually harasses her. -
Boarding school 4
Firdaus is then sent to boarding school and grows a deep passion for learning. -
Arrange marriage 5
Her uncle, along with his wife, try getting rid of Firdaus by arranging an arranged marriage with his own uncle. She is then marries to a much older man names Sheikh Mahmoud who beats her physically. -
New life 6
Firdaus leaves her husband and never returns. She goes to a local cafe and meets this man named Bayoumi. He offers to take her in until she can get her own job. Eventually, Bayoumi abuses Firdaus, and yet again, she leaves Bayoumi. -
Prostitution 7
While wandering the streets again, Firdaus stumbles upon a woman names Sharifa, who leads her into prostitution. Sharifa encourages Firdaus to not lower her worth since a man is paying her to have sex. -
Old life gone, new life in 8
After a while, Firdaus abandons prostitution and starts working at a company. She eventually falls in love w/ a coworker named Ibrahim. -
Pimpin 9
Firdaus goes back to prostitution and is well known. This man named Marzouk approaches her and admits to wanting to be her pimp. She then refuses and is then beaten. In order to protect herself, she pulls out a knife on him and stabs him. She has not been caught yet. -
Unfair 10
She is then approached by a prince who pays her for her services. She then scares him and he screams till police come to his rescue. She is then put behind bars for admitting she killed a man. Firdaus, while in the middle of her story, is told her timing is up. She must go and be killed now. -
Peace Treaty
President Israel goes to Israel and starts to have a treaty to make peace. -
President Sadet assassinated
President Sadet was assassinated by extremists right after anti-government riots were moving on wards. -
Prostitution illegal (present day)
As far as 2017, Prostitution is illegal in Egypt. Even though prostitution is illegal, prostitution still goes on in Egypt as of today. -
Prostitution system (present day)
The system of prostitution all depends on the pimp itself. But, the pimps organize the work and get profit from the prostitutes they control.