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Important events that has happened in the Travel and Tourism industry

By Isha1
  • Car Ownership In The Uk Reached 11 million

    Car Ownership In The Uk Reached 11 million
    Before the 70's, under 30% of people in Britain travelled by car, van or taxi and around 42% distance travelled was by bus or coach, and 17% by train. However, this all changed due to people becoming more wealthier and therefore cars became more affordable. So, it didn't come a surprise when by 1970, three quarters of the public travelled by their own vehicles. This positively affected the travel and tourism industry as it was a much more convenient method of transport for Brits to travel in.
  • Concorde Came Into Service

    Concorde Came Into Service
    Concorde was the first supersonic passenger-carrying commercial aeroplane that was flown by British Airways from London To Bahrain and Air France flying it from Paris to Rio De Janeiro.
  • First British Travel Centre Opens In Europe

    First British Travel Centre Opens In Europe
    BTA, British Rail and British Airways partnered up and opened the first ever British Travel centre in Frankfurt, a popular German city. Their aim was to provide a one-stop stop for visitors to Britain and information that could lead tourist to the UK's top destinations. In this year BTA, produced a map for hotels near Central London as many across the globe believed hotels were full in the summer and the map was well loved by many in the states.
  • Launch Of Ryanair.

    Launch Of Ryanair.
    Ryanair was created by the Ryan's family and started off with a share capital of £1 and staff made up of 25 people. There first route launched in July 1985, consisting of daily flights, on a 15 seater aircraft, operating from Waterford in the South East of Ireland to London Gatwick Airport.
  • The Number Of Packaged Holidays Topped 10 Million

    The Number Of Packaged Holidays Topped 10 Million
    During the 80's, the growth of packaged holidays reached its highest numbers with the demand being exceptionally high. As new technology emerged, it made it less complex for people to buy services like packaged holidays and this is when the demand sky rocketed and hit its highest number of 10 million.
  • Tim Berners-Lee Invented The Internet

    Tim Berners-Lee Invented The Internet
    Tim Berners-Lee, a British Scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, to initially making it easier to share information between scientists and universities and institutes around the world. But, this impacted the travel and tourism industry because it allowed airlines to create websites to help customers book flights easier and access necessary information visitors may need when travelling.
  • Technological Development

    Technological Development
    Since the invention of the internet, technology had dramatically developed and impacted the tourism industry by allowing people to book through the internet to travel abroad. Not only that, but has improved new products like check in systems (computers) at the airport to make it easier for customers to use making their experience smooth sailing.
  • Introduction Of Packege Travel, Holidays and Tours Regulations

    Introduction Of Packege Travel, Holidays and Tours Regulations
    In 1992, all UK tour operators offering packaged holidays were subjected to newly Package Travel, Holidays and Tour Regulations. The regulations were put into place to ensure there was no improper behaviour made by tour operators. It also benefitted customers because it allowed them to have full confidence in tour operators with their money and gave them a sense of relief as they could take action if tour operators breached the regulations.
  • Le Shuttle and Eurostar Carry First Passengers Through The Channel Tunnel

    Le Shuttle and Eurostar Carry First Passengers Through The Channel Tunnel
    The Channel Tunnel was made in 1994 and is the longest undersea tunnel in the world. The tunnel runs between Folkstone, England and France, and is used for both freight and passenger traffic. In 1997, it was the first time where it allowed passengers to go on either in a coach or by their own vehicles making it less expensive and easier to travel to popular locations.
  • 9/11

    The tragic event that occurred, on 11 of September in 2001, negatively impacted the travel industry. It caused long-term damage to the city of New York as the after affect saw a decline of the number of visitors, going from 6.8 million in 2000 to 5.7 million in 2001. The decline was down to the event of 9/11 and took the city almost 5 years to get back the number of visitors pre-9/11.
  • Indian Ocean Earthquake And Tsunami

    Indian Ocean Earthquake And Tsunami
    The tragedy that struck in the Indian Ocean was an undersea earthquake that caused a number of tsunami waves, that grew up to 30 metres tall. It left widespread destruction in 14 different countries including Thailand, India and Indonesia. The cost of the destruction was around $508 million and left the tourists caught up with tsunami, cancelling trips to the area. It affected Thailand, as the number of visitors dipped to 11.6 million in 2005 but grew in 2006 with 13.8 million visitors.
  • 7/7 London Bombings

    7/7 London Bombings
    The London bombings, often referred as 7/7, were a serious of 4 coordinated suicide attacks by Islamic terrorists. They targeted commuters travelling on the city's public transport system during the early rush hours. This impacted commuters and localers around London and stopped many from taking public transport. This impacted the local public transport as soon after many drivers left their jobs and people refused to take public transport.
  • The Growth Of Social Media

    The Growth Of Social Media
    In 2010, the launch of one the most used social networks, Instagram, was introduced. Instagram is used by millions around the world to showcase their lifestyle. In most cases, this is positive as it shows others how beautiful some of the worlds destinations are and therefore can make people want to travel there. In addition, in 2010 the TripAdvisor iPhone app was launched to give citizens a platform to voice their opinions, concerns and the positives they encountered on holiday.
  • Brexit

    Brexit is where the UK decided to leave the European Union and the aftermath affects are still unknown. However, as time goes by we will understand the in depth fatality Brexit means to UK citizens. The decision to leave saw immediate decrease of number of visitors to the UK by 5.3%.
  • TV And Film 'Set-Jetting'

    TV And Film 'Set-Jetting'
    TV and film programmes have boosted travelling because tourists want to visit where some of their favourite programmes have been filmed. An example of this, can be a popular on-going show called Harry Potter where it is still being watched by millions and many across the globe love visiting the London Harry Potter Museum where it has some of the distinctive objects in the show. This helps the travel economy and even the local economy as people will be going to local cafes, bars and shopping.
  • Covid-19

    The global pandemic affected the travel and tourism industry the most. It stopped people from travelling and left travel agency's like Thomas Cook bankrupt and left them with no choice but to shut most of their stores. Thousands of people lost their jobs at their airport as people weren't needed due to the fact hardly anyone was travelling. Airports were significantly affected aswell as their were no customers to buy products within the airports.