Chinese Head Tax
This event occurred in 1885 because of the vast amount of Chinese immigrants coming to Canada. They came because of the work offered by the railroad. However the government eventually put in a tax to help limit the amountof immigrants coming from china. -
Komagata Maru
The Komagata Maru Incident was a human rights violation that occurred during 1914. The ships crew did not have good living conditions in India and wanted to move to Vancouver. However they were denied under claims that violated their human rights. -
Internment of Ukrainian Canadians
This event occurred during the last two years of World War One (1916- 1917). Ukrainian Canadians were sent to intern camps because of nothing more than their heritage, All of the families were sent to these camps however mainly the men worked. -
Internment of Italian Canadians
The internment of Italian Canadians started during 1940 when Italy declared war on Canada. All Italian Canadians were sent to camps to prevent spies from infiltrating Canada. All Italian immigrants were unfairly called enemy aliens and were sent to internment camps to work against their will. -
Internment of Japanese Canadians
Beginning in 1941 and ending four years after the end of WWII, all Canadians of Japanese decent were removed from their homes and sent to internment camps. All of the belongings of the Japanese families were sold and were not returned. Four years after the war ended they were sent out of the camps but had no homes or belongings to go back to. -
Creation of Immigration Categories
There are four immigration categories that were created during 1976. The categories are, Refugees, Family Class, Economic Immigrants and Other. The majority of immigrants in Canada are economic immigrants, and only 4% of them belong to the "Other" category. -
The Addition of Refugees as an Immigration Category
Another class of immigrant was added during the 1976 due to the immigration act of 1976. This meant that anyone who was forced out of their own country against their will could qualify under this category. The system of allowing immigrants into the country was still being developed and this act was a step in the right direction -
Immigration Act
This was an act that came into use during 1976. It told which immigrants could come into Canada and into which provinces, for example all homosexuals were denied entry. However with this act a third category of immigrant was made, Refugees. -
The Singh Decision
On april fourth 2004 the supreme court denied Satnam Singh to Immigrate to Canada under refugee status. The government denied his request to state his case in person, or to make statements on the governments decision. They denied his case unfairly because of the Immigration Act of 1976, however it unreasonable to do so because of section 7 of the charter of rights and freedoms. -
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
This act was a replacement for the Immigration act of 1976 and was introduced in 2001. The act respects the act of immigration to Canada. As well as the displacement of anyone from their home country