Important events of WWII

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    Important events of WWII

  • Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
    The President of the Nazi party, Paul von Hindenburg, appointed him. Adolf wasn't his first choice, he first appointed General Kurt von Schleicher. Afterwards the German National Peoples Party (DNVP) convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler instead.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    These laws put in effect by Nazi Germany that derived Jewish people of their rights. It was now required that German citizens have German "blood". It took away their right to vote and didn't allow them to get a valid passport so the people who didn't qualify, where now stateless.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis treaty

    Rome-Berlin Axis treaty
    This treaty was to informally link Italy and Germany together (Hitler and Benito Mussolini). It was a military alliance which was to make sure the cooperation between different militaries are common in the international system, sort of like NATO.
  • The annex of Austria into Germany (Anschluss)

    The annex of Austria into Germany (Anschluss)
    Hitler annexed Austria into Germany as their first act of aggressive territorial expansion, also known as an appeasement. This was when the Treaty of Versailles and the Treaty of Saint-Germain was violated. Some nations didnt see this as a threat so they let Hitler slip-by with doing so.
  • Munich Agreement/Conference

    Munich Agreement/Conference
    This was an signed agreement between Germany, the UK, France and Italy to force Czechoslovakia to give up its boarder regions and defence to Nazi Germany. The agreement could have actually stopped the war, but because of its pattern of appeasement towards Hitler and weak predecessors, it failed.
  • Kristallnacht (Crystal Night or The Night of Broken Glass)

    Kristallnacht (Crystal Night or The Night of Broken Glass)
    This was a series of attacks on Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes done by Nazis. They tried to jusify this act as a result of the German diplomatic official, Ernst vom Rath, being assassinated. About 30,000 Jewish males were taken to concentration camps and this marked the first time that Nazis have made a huge amount of arrests on people at once just because they were Jewish.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Nazi German forces got through the defenses on the boarder of Poland and quickly made it to Warsaw. This was the act that started WW II.
  • Germany takes control of Western Europe

    Germany takes control of Western Europe
    This was called the Battle of France and Germany. They used "blitzkrieg" techniques which were swift, focused ground and air attacks to overwhelm defenses. Places that were also taken over were some of France, the Netherlands, and Belgium.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    Germany starts an air attack on Great Britain and happens from July to October. They started by targeting British shipping operations in the English Channel. Then eventually concentrating their attacks on airfields and communication centers.
  • Japanese attacks U.S. naval base

    Japanese attacks U.S. naval base
    353 bombers from Japan attacked a United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. There were 19 ships, 188 aircraft destroyed and over 2,000 Americans killed. This was the breaking point for the U.S. and was the act that led them to join World War II.