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Important events of the WW II

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    Important events of the WW II

  • The invasion of Poland

    The invasion of Poland
    In 1939 German troops invaded Poland, the German Luftwaffe bombarded Polish airfields, and submarines attacked Polish naval forces in the Baltic Sea. Adolf Hitler claimed that the invasion was a defensive action. This event was the trigger to start the second world war and to end with the second polish republic.
  • Germany attacks France

    Germany attacks France
    The Battle of France, known as the Fall of France, began in 1940 after 6 weeks, Germany defeated the allied forces and conquered France ending the land options on the western front until the Normandy landings. It was important as moving away from this in France was created the vichy government commanded by Marshall Petain collaborating with the nazi regiment.
  • The beggining of the Battle of Britain

    The beggining of the Battle of Britain
    In 1940 the Germans began the first attack in a long series of bombings against Great Britain in order to destroy the RAF in order to gain the superiority necessary to invade Britain. It is important because this fact was vital for development. post-war like other turning points
  • The attack on Pearl Harbour

    The attack on Pearl Harbour
    The Pearl Harbor attack took place in 1941, it was a surprise air attack on the United States Naval Base on the island of Oahu, Hawaii that was carried out by the Japanese. This fact was very important because it marked the entry of the USA into the Second World War.
  • Hitler sends the Afrika Korps to North Africa

    Hitler sends the Afrika Korps to North Africa
    In 1941, North Africa is invaded by German troops. This attack is directed against British possessions and with the help of Italians they intend to end British rule of the Mediterranean and control of the Suez Canal. This is important because it marked a defeat for Germany and Italy and a British victory.
  • The beggining of the operation Barbarossa

    The beggining of the operation Barbarossa
    The Operation Barbarossa whose original name is Operation Fritz, code name for the German invasion of the Soviet Union, was launched in 1941 and took place on the western front. It is so important that when opening the eastern front, which became the theater of the largest operation in the world, it was the scene of the greatest conflict battle in Europe.
  • The US and British troops land on the beaches of Algeria and Morocco

    The US and British troops land on the beaches of Algeria and Morocco
    The military forces of the United States and the United Kingdom launched an ambhibious operation called "Torch" against French north África(Algeria and Morrocco). It was so important because they wanted the Suez canal for oil production as it was an strategic product due to the increased mechanization of the army.
  • The landing of the Allies on the beaches of Salerno

    The landing of the Allies on the beaches of Salerno
    The Allied invasion of Italy took place in 1943 during the Second World War. After expelling German and Italian troops from North Africa and Sicily, the allies decided to invade Italy by landing on the beaches of Salerno. This fact marked the beginning of the Italian invasion.
  • D-Day

    D-Day is the massive Allied landing of Normandy air and sea forces that took place in 1944 in order to open a new western front and reduce German rule. This event marked the beginning of the liberation of German-occupied Western Europe from Nazi control and helped end the Second World War.
  • París is liberated by the allies

    París is liberated by the allies
    Allied troops rolled into Paris in, 1944, liberating the French capital after more than four years of Nazi occupation. This liberation led by Charles de Gaulle came after the important advances of the Allied troops thanks to the Normandy landings.
    This fact marked the beginning of the postwar ideological struggle.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    In 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide along with his wife Eva Braun by poisoning and a shot, this took place in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. The repercussion of this fact was very great since the end of the Second World War in Europe.
  • The dropping of the first atom bomb on Hiroshima

    The dropping of the first atom bomb on Hiroshima
    In 1945, the "little boy" uranium bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan by an American plane, ordered by President Truman, this bomb killed 70000 people. This event was so devastating that it contributed to the surrender of Japan and the end of the Second World War.
  • Japan formally surrenders

    Japan formally surrenders
    In 1945 representatives from japanese government and allied forces assembled aboard the USS Missouri in Tokio Bay to sing the japanese instrument of surrender, which was carried out by MacArthur. This event was important because officially ended with the second world war.