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important events of my life

  • First time i travel outside the country

    First time i travel outside the country
    I think this event is important since it was the first time I traveled to another country, I was two years old or so and I traveled to Canada
  • when my sister was born.

    when my sister was born.
    This date is important for me, since my life partner, my sister, arrived.
  • the first time that i swim with dolphins.

    the first time that i swim with dolphins.
    It was one of the best experiences of my life, I will always remember it.
  • when my cousin born.

    when my cousin born.
    When my cousin was born, it was a very happy and important moment in my life
  • when i entered high school.

    when i entered high school.
    When I entered high school it was an important moment in my life as I met a lot of new people and spent my best years.
  • trip to manzanillo.

    trip to manzanillo.
    A wonderful trip, full of food, delicious drinks and a beautiful landscape.
  • preparatory 4

     preparatory 4
    When I entered I was very excited because I liked the high school, and met people who have become very important to me.
  • birthday surprise.

    birthday surprise.
    I will never forget this day.
    my best friends a day before my xv made a surprise in my bedroom and it was very nice.
  • my XV

    my XV
    My XV party was one of the best days, I had an amazing time with my family and friends, it will always be an important moment in my life.
  • the winter holidays.

    the winter holidays.
    the winter holidays were my best holidays, I enjoyed my family very much and I had an amazing time.