Napoleon vs trump

Important Events in The Nepoleonic era by Riley Carson

  • Coup of 18–19 Brumaire

    Coup of 18–19 Brumaire
    Napoleon and a small group took down the French Directory. The consulate was implemented, this event is often referred to as the end of the French Revolution. The Coup Of 18-19
  • Establishment of the Napoleonic Code

    Establishment of the Napoleonic Code
    Enacted in 1804, the new French civil code, highlights the equality of all men, freedom of occupation and religion. Although women and children's rights were abolished. This code came to influence many modernized European civil codes. Link
  • Declares Himself Emperor

    Declares Himself Emperor
    During the coronation on December 2nd, it was said that Napoleon snatched the crown out of the popes hands, a prelude to his attacks on other European empires.
  • Treaties of Tilsit

    Treaties of Tilsit
    These agreements which France signed with Russia, which made them allies, Russia had agreed to help France liberate most of Turkey if they rejected French affiliation. These treaties also excluded Britain from international trade. Link
  • War of the fifth coalition

    War of the fifth coalition
    Fought in 1809, the Austrian empire, the United Kingdom, the French empire. This was Napoleon's last successful military campaign, Austria on the other hand fought for payback against France, they attempted taking out French allies, the failed and compromised for peace, and a large portion of their land was taken away.
  • France attacks Russia

    France attacks Russia
    This huge disaster was one of the biggest fails in War history. Napoleon lead roughly 60,000 men into Russia in 1812, but at the beginning of 1813 only 93,000 of them were still able to fight. The cold Russia conditions and lack of preparation caused many casualties after Russia's refusal to negotiate with France.
  • Quadruple allience 1813-1815

    Quadruple allience 1813-1815
    This was the final event of the Napoleonic wars by Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia, which beat Napoleon and his army. Each party contributed 60,000 men to stop aggression, mainly aimed at France. Eventually France joined to create the Quintuple Alliance.
  • Napoleon escapes exile on Elba

    Napoleon escapes exile on Elba
    Due to lack of attention by guards Napoleon was able to leave Elba, simply by rowing a paddle boat back to France, where he carried out one more failed push by his army, which ended to his exile in st.helena.