Important Events In The Kite Runner

  • Hassans Rape

    Amir ran away from Hassans rape, "I ran because I was a coward. I was afraid of Assef and what he would do to me."(Hosseini 77). Amir ran away and didn't stick up for Hassan like how Hassan stood up for him. He didn't want to get hurt by Assef and his friends so he didn't do anything about it.
  • Amir Getting Beaten Up By Assef

    Amir was finally feeling atoned for not stopping Hassans rape, "My body was broken ... I felt healed. Healed at last."(Hosseini 289). Amir finally feels like he got what he deserved since 1975. He was looking forward to the beating and finally felt like he was at peace.
  • Baba Got Cancer

    Baba had gotten cancer,"Baba's was called 'Oat Cell Carcinoma. Advanced. Inoperable."(Hosseini 156). Baba refused chemotherapy but Amir disagreed with him. Later when they got home, Amir began crying because he felt like he couldn't live without Baba.
  • Amir Is Getting Hassans Son, Sorhab

    Amir went to the Talibans place to get Sorhab, there he got beaten by Assef, "You have to earn him...the slingshot made a thwiiiiit sound when Sorhab released the cup. Then Assef was screaming."(Hosseini 219). Amir was getting severely injured then Sorhab couldn't take it anymore and shot Assef in the eye socket. Sorhab had saved Amir and they ran towards Farids car and drove away.
  • Amir Married Soraya

    Amir was happy with Soraya and married her," ... I married Soraya ..."(Hosseini 177). Soraya told Amir about all her secrets and her past, but Amir hasn't told her about Hassan. They both wanted a baby but Soraya couldn't have a baby (miscarriage).
  • Amir Finds Out That Hassan Is His Half Brother

    Amir went back to Kabul to meet up with Rahim Khan and finds out that Hassan was his half brother and gets furious,"How could you hide this from me? From him?"(Hosseini 223). Amir is furious because Baba and Rahim Khan never told him or Hassan that they were half brothers. He starts tracing back to his old memories and saw a sign, Baba had hired a doctor to fix Hassans lip, never missing his birthday, and never considered getting new servants.