I started k-4 at UMS-Wright!
I met my best friend Sacky! She still is my best friend! We proboblly will always be good friends! Mrs. Stabler can tell you that! She was our K-4 teacher! She is 1 of my all time favorite teachers! Sacky and I were only in two classes together in lower school! Mrs Pucket and Mrs Stabler! -
My cousin was born!
Elizibeth was born! -
I got a black eye!
It was my first black eye! Little did I know that I had many comming up in my future! Everytime I had to go to the eye doctor! THey always dialate my eyes! -
My cousin was born!
Ben was born! -
I went to Disney World!
I went to New Mexico!
I went to New Mexico during Thanksgiving break to see my uncle and his girlfriend! -
I got my first phone!
Getting Charlie
I got another black eye!
Greer was born!
Getting my first i phone
I got an i phone 4-s! -
i hurt my foot
In 5th grade I was in P.E. running to 3rd base and my ankle hit the cone and twisted! I went to the doctor and they told me I had a sprain and gave me an aircast! Five days later it was still hurting so I went back! They said I could have a crack in my growth plate! They put me in a cast for two weeks! When I went back it was hurting even more! THey took another x-ray! Then, they said that I -
I hurt my foot part 2
more! They took another x-ray! I had to wear a boot for 1 and a half months! When I went back they took another x-ray! They said that I didn't have to wear a boot anymore! Theygave me a soft black brace to wear for everything except p.e.! They gave me a hard aircast to wear for p.e.! I had to wear those for 5 months! Finnally, I could take everything off! -
I got another black eye!
Getting 100 AR points
I was so excited that I got all my A.R points! Yay! I got for the first and last time! I ams o glad we don't have ar this year!^th grade is the best! -
Getting my award!
It is an i phone 6+!p.s. these are the cases i have for my phones except for the first one -
I got my ears peirced!
My first day of 6th grade!