Important Events in my life

  • My graduation 2020

    Graduate during pandemic was very difficult. I didn't use my uniform properly, and I was scare of the world outside. Inside the high school I was everything, the hihgest score and a promese for my teachers but outside I would be just another adult without job.
  • First time living out of home

    I got into university in 2022, and it was the year when I got the oportunity to live by my own in an apartment, in Alauela
  • Mental Breakdown

    Living alone it wasn't easy. I started to be sick. I started to had panic attacks, anxiety, signs of depression, allucinations and problems with food.
  • A point of break

    I called to my mom and told her everything. It wasn't easy ask for help but I thought it was enough. That day my mother tried to convience me to back to home, but I rejected.
  • Hospital incident

    It was enough for me. The stressed cosumes me so one day I tried to killed me, but my cat was near to me so I thought "Who is going to feed yoko tomorrow?" So I called and ambulence and they got me into the psiquiatric hospital.
  • Back home

    My mother went for everything to my old apartment during my stay at the hospital. She put everything in my old bedroom and tried to made as confortable as she could for me.
  • University inconvinience

    My dream since high school was get into the universuty for become a teacher. It was hard to listen when the doctor told me that I needed to stopped my studies. I talked with the old primcipal of the major and he told me that he passed for something similar.