Winston begins his diary
Winston writes "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER" in his diary. He then realizes his death is inevitable.
Winston has lunch with Syme, predicts he will be vaporized
Winston writes in his diary about his encounter with a prole prostitute.
Winston begins to have dreams of his mother and sister
Winston stares at the dark-haired girl, then thinks she is apart of the Thought Police.
Winston realizes that the proles are the only hope of bringing down The Party,
Winston wonders into a pub and tries learing more about pre-revolutionary times from an old man, who cannot give him relevant answers.
Mr. Charrington offers Winston the small room with no telescreen for a small fee.
Winston sees the brunette from work on the way home and concludes she must be spying on him.
The brunette drops the "I love you" note.
Winston and the brunette arrange to meet at Victory Square.
Julia and Winston meet on Sunday and end up having sex.
The two meet in the attic and Julia brings make up, real tea, real coffee, and sugar.
Julia and Winston are captured in the attic and they find out Mr, Charrington is apart of the Thought Police.
Winston's torture is started
Winston is continuing to be tortured, but starts agreeing with what O'Brien says to stop the pain. WInston begins to love him.
In another torture session, O'Brien gets Winston to betray Julia.
Winston becomes brainwashed
Winston realizes he loves Big Brother (after being brainwashed)