Manipulador graetz 1926

important events

  • The Telegraph (Samuel Morse)

    The Telegraph (Samuel Morse)
    Samuel Morse created the telegraph in 1836 in United States, a device that allowed messages to be transmitted using electrical pulses encrypted in Morse code. By pressing his fingers,he allowed the current to pass for a certain period of time and then canceled it.The telegraph allowed rapid and efficient reciprocal communication over great distances.
  • Dynamite (Alfred Nobel)

    Dynamite (Alfred Nobel)
    Dynamite was patented by Alfred Nobel in 1866 in Sweden and was used for purposes such as mining, railway infrastructure, war and terrorism.Dynamite is an explosive composed of nitroglycerin, a very unstable liquid explosive substance at room temperature that, when absorbed into a solid medium, becomes a more stable explosive.He experimented with various combinations of nitroglycerin and black powder.
  • The Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)

    The Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)
    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone on March 7, 1876,a device that transmitted sounds over a cable through electrical signals.He was born on March 3,1847 and he died August 2,1922. He conceived of the telephone at his summer home in Brantford, Ontario, and physically created his telephone for the first time in Boston, Massachusetts. The telephone changed the world of personal communications and laid the foundations for contemporary information and communications technologies.
  • Lightbulb (Edinson)

    Lightbulb (Edinson)
    Thomas Alva Edison created the lightbulb in 1879 in California, he started by trying carbon, then platinum, then carbon again. The lightbulb is a device that emits light due to the passage of electric current through a filament found inside a glass body that has been filled with some inert gas.It was invented in order to provide more and better light
  • First car with internal combustion engine (Karl Benz)

    First car with internal combustion engine (Karl Benz)
    Karl Benz patented the first car with internal combution engine in 1886 in Germany.It is a three-wheeled car with a rear-wheel drive engine.It was constructed of steel tube with wooden panels; wheels, steel rim and solid rubber.He created it because he had always had a passion for engines.
  • Cinématographe (Lumiere)

    Cinématographe (Lumiere)
    On February 13, 1895, Auguste and Louis Lumière patented cinématographe in Paris.The cinematograph was one of the inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution with greatest significance in the world of culture. It is a machine that could film and project moving images, it did not create moving images, but rather it created an optical illusion to give the impression that there was movement in the images.
  • Wireless transmission (Guillermo Marconi)

    Wireless transmission (Guillermo Marconi)
    Marconi, in 1895 in obtained the first results in wireless communication , a technology that used radio waves. he sent the first wireless communication across the open sea at a distance of six kilometers, from the Bristol Channel (England) to Penarth, a town in Wales.The objective was to avoid cables in all types of communication
  • The first powered airplane (Orville Wright)

    The first powered airplane (Orville Wright)
    The Wright brothers patented and piloted the first powered airplane in United States in 1903.By launching it into the air with an external catapult, a short flight was achieved, enough to test the plane's travel and control system. They created it with the aim of shortening long distance trips