Adolf hitler 1933

Important Events 1940s

  • Blitzkrieg of Northern Europe

    Blitzkrieg of Northern Europe
    Germany quickly took over Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France.
    (Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d.)
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Battle of Britain. Great Britain defended itself against Hitler's aggression.
    (photo: Britannica, 2024-f)
  • Petain: Premier of Occupied France

    Petain: Premier of Occupied France
    (Photo: Blond, 2024)
  • Germany's Invasion of Soviet Union

    Germany's Invasion of Soviet Union
    Germany's Invasion of Soviet Union prompted USSR to join the Allied side.
    (Photo: US Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d.)
  • Tojo Hideki: Japan Prime Minister

    Tojo Hideki: Japan Prime Minister
    Tojo Hideki was Japan's Prime Minister during WWII, from 1941 to 1944.
    (Photo: Britannica, 2023, Phot of Tojo Hideki)
  • Douglas MacArther

    Douglas MacArther
    Commanded the U.S. Southwest Pacific Theatre in WWII
    (Photo: James, 2024)
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii forced the U.S. to join the Allies against the Axis powers.
    (Photo: Britannica, 2024-f)
  • Period: to

    Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project developed the Atomic Bomb
    The main scientists were Edward Teller, Robert Oppenheimer, and Enrico Fermi, with support from Albert Einstein.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Battle of the Coral Sea
    First battle in which the opposing fleets did not site one another. A U.S. fleet turned back a Japanese invasion force (Britannica, 2024, Battle of the Coral Sea).
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Key battle in WWII in the Pacific that lasted from 6/3/1942 to 6/6/1942. It broke the back of the Japanese fleet.
    (Photo: Britannica, 2024, Battle of Midway)
  • Dwight Eisenhower

    Dwight Eisenhower
    General in WWII and future president of the U.S.
    (photo: Britannica, 2014, Photo of Eisenhower)
  • Charles de Gaulle

    Charles de Gaulle
    Charles de Gaulle spearheaded the French Resistance during WWII
    (photo: Britannica, 2024, Photo of de Gaulle)
  • Normandy Invasion

    Normandy Invasion
    The bloody battle of Normandy launched the Allies' liberation of northern France.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Key battle in WWII, 12/16/1944 to 1/25/1945. It was the Nazi's last great offensive in the West.
    (Photo: Britannica, 2023, Battle of the Bulge)
  • Harry Truman

    Harry Truman
    Harry Truman became president when Roosevelt died.
    (photo: Britannica, 2024, Photo of Truman)
  • V-E Day Victory in Europe

    V-E Day Victory in Europe
    The Germans surrendered, bringing the war in Europe to a close.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    Hiroshima Bombing
    First use of an atomic bomb in a war.
    (Photo: Britannica, 2023)
  • Nagasaki Bombing

    Nagasaki Bombing
    The most recent use of an atomic bomb in a war.
    (Photo: Britannica, 2024-g)
  • V-J Day Japan Surrenders

    V-J Day Japan Surrenders
    The Japanese surrendered to General MacArthur aboard the USS Missouri.
    (Photo: Hughes & Royde-Smith, 2024)
  • United Nations established

    United Nations established
    The United Nations replaced the failed League of Nations. Established by Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at Yalta.
    (Photo: Mingst, Fomerand, & Lynch, 2024)
  • ENIAC computer

    ENIAC computer
    ENIAC was the first programmable general-purpose computer.
    (Photo: Britannica, 2024, Photo of Eniac)
  • Transistor

    Invention of the transistor.
    (Photo: Riordan, 2023)
  • Assassination of Gandhi

    Assassination of Gandhi
    (Photo: Vaughn, 2024)
  • Israel Becomes a Nation

    Israel Becomes a Nation
    Israel declared itself a nation. The U.S. was the first country to recognize its status.
    (Photo: Office of The Historian, n.d.)
  • NATO Established

    NATO Established
    Twelve Western nations established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1948 to oppose the Soviet Union (Shoppa, 2021, p. 75).
    (Photo: Britannica, 2024, Map of Nato)
  • People's Republic of China formed

    People's Republic of China formed
    Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China.
    (Photo: Britannica, 2024, Photo of Mao Zedong)