John Locke
John Locke was an English philosopher who's theory was that all men are created equally and the natural rights is that everyone is born with Life, Liberty and Property. -
Bacon's Rebellion
Gather farmers and indentured servants and blacks and whites joined together. -
New York Slave Rebellion
Killed 9 whites, injured 6 and 70 arrested, 27 put on trial , 21 convicted executed, burned alive -
Period: to
American Revoultion
The Americans went to war with the British for Freedom -
George Washington Lifts ban on African Americans in the Continental Army
Declaration Of Independence
When America got their indpendence from Britian. It was signed by Thomas Jefferson and other congressmen -
Three Fifths Comproise
When African Americans Are Considered 3/5s Of A Person -
Northwest Ordiance
During the Revolution alot of people moved over Appalachians west and banned slavery in territories immediately. -
The Constituation Was Passed
The Constituation has the Bill of Right & Admenments -
Period: to
Haitian Revolution Starts & Ends
Haitians went to war for their freedom -
Eli Whitney Invents The Cotton Gin
A black slave invented the cotton gin and it made it easier and faster to pick cotton -
Slave Trade Act
Africans are sold to European slave traders. -
Gabriel's Conspiracy
Heavy rain started and white people killed alot of black people -
Louisiana Purchase
The USA brought the Louisana Territory. -
Slavery Offically Outlawed
The Slave Trade Ended -
Louisiana Slave Rebellion
Was The Largest Revolt -
Missouri Compromise
Was an agreement between pro and anti slavery -
Nat Turner Slave Rebellion
Slaves Killed Alot Of White People -
La Amistad
Slaves Rebeled On Slave Owners On A Slave Ship and were freed -
Fugitive Slave Act
When slave master can capture runaways and bring them back to the plantation