IMPORTANT DATES IN Civil Rights History 3°1 Tiffany NGOUADJEU

By Tiffvny
  • End of civil war and the abolition of slavery by Abraham Lincoln

    End of civil war and the abolition of slavery by Abraham Lincoln
    This event marks the moment when the civil's wars were stopped and when Abraham Lincoln abolish slavery.
  • Creation of the KKK

    Creation of the KKK
    Creation of the KKK (KU KLUX KLAN) in Tennessee, a ruthless organization, and a secret society, terrorizing black communities.
  • The Jim Crow laws

    The Jim Crow laws enforced racial segregation (until 1965)in the USA. They were based on white supremacy. [NB : Remember Jim Crow was an imaginary and stereotypical character
    symbolizing the black man] with a motto [=devise] : ‘’separate but equal’’.
  • Birth of Rosa Parks

    Birth of Rosa Parks
  • Birth of Marthin Luther King

    Birth of Marthin Luther King
    His general ideology was non –violence.
  • The American Supreme Court's rule

    The American Supreme Court's rule
    The American Supreme Court ruled that segregation was unconstitutional in Public Schools. A little girl was enrolled in a white school in Kansas
  • The day when Rosa Parks haven't lay her place

    The day when Rosa Parks haven't lay her place
    The 1st december 1955, Rosa Parks refuse to lay her place to a white people in Alabama. Thanks to this act she contribute to change the visage of USA.
  • Boycotting buses

    In 1956 buses were boycotting after the event of Rosa Parks.
  • Eisenhower's signature

    Eisenhower's signature
    Eisenhower sign a law about the "civil rights", the first since the emancipation law signed by Abraham Lincoln.
  • Washington March for Jobs and Freedom

    Washington March for Jobs and Freedom
    On the 28th of august 1963 MLK organized Washington March for Jobs and Freedom, and then prononce his famous speech "I have a dream"
  • President Kennedy's assassinat

    President Kennedy's assassinat
    The 22th of November 1963, president Kennedy became assassinated.
  • The moment when the Civil Rights Act became signed

    Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act.(it put an end to all forms of segregation and discrimination.)
  • The Voting Rights Act.