Important Computer Inventions

  • (1981) IBM

    (1981) IBM
    IBM releases the first computer which did most of business computing. Stock brokerages frequently used these.
  • (1983) Motorola DynaTAC

    (1983) Motorola DynaTAC
    The first was invented by Martin Cooper, and the portable phone was released and was at $3,995 (USD) or $9,952 (2020 conversion). First break through on portable phones.
  • (1984) Macintosh Computer

    (1984) Macintosh Computer
    Apple released this computer and was one of the failures of Apple for its lack of internal hard drive but was a lesson for future computers to be built.
  • (1985) Microsoft Windows 1.0.

    (1985) Microsoft Windows 1.0.
    Mixrosoft came out with this extension to its computers to better its operating systems which at hand got bad reviews though like the Macintosh it was an important milestone for the future windows products.
  • (1986) Windows 1.02

    (1986) Windows 1.02
    Though this version of windows was released shortly after the Windows 1.0 it allowed for a farther range of keyboard layouts, multi-tab tasking, and more.