Important 19th century inventions

  • Invention of the steam locomotive

    Invention of the steam locomotive
    The englishman engineer Richard Trevithick is the inventor of the steam locomotive. He adapted a steam engine to railroads by making it work with the force of pressure.
    The first successful locomotive will however be invented by George Stephenson in 1814.
  • Invention of the modern sewing machine

    Invention of the modern sewing machine
    Elias Howe invented the modern sewing machine which can sew with two sewing threads. His invention follows the invention of the frenchman Barthelemy Thimonnier who was used to sew with only one thread.
  • Invention of the internal combustion engine

    Invention of the internal combustion engine
    The internal combustion engine was invented by Etienne Lenoir in 1859. This type of motor is mainly used to propel transport vehicles or even for mobile tools.
  • Invention of the "telephone"

    Invention of the "telephone"
    It was the scientist and engineer Alexander Graham Bell who invented the "telephone" in 1876. It's an invention which revolutionized communication around the world.
  • Invention of the electric bulb

    Invention of the electric bulb
    The electric bulb is an invention that is used to light with the electricity. It was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879 thanks to the Lindsay's concept of electric bulb in 1835.