
The Importance of Radio and Movies in Australian History

  • First Movie Film shown in Australia

    First Movie Film shown in Australia
    The Athanaeum Hall (a dance hall) in Collins Street Melbourne exhibited the first movie film shown in Australia. In October 1896, the film previously shown in Paris by the French Lumiere brothers was displayed. This was a massive step forward, as it became the first movie shown in Australia.
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    The operation of the Limelight Department

    Between 1897 and 1910, The Limelight Department created material used by the Salvation Army, as well as private government contracts. In its years of operation, the company produced around 300 films, making it the largest film producer of its time.
  • The production and release of 'The Story of the Kelly Gang'

    The production and release of 'The Story of the Kelly Gang'
    In 1906, The Cinema of Australia released 'The Story of the Kelly Gang'. This was the earliest feature film ever made, and set Australia ahead in the movie making industry.
  • First Australian radio broadcast

    First Australian radio broadcast
    On the 19th of August 1919 George Fisk arranged for the Australian National Anthem to be broadcasted from one building to another. This was the public use of the radio in Australia, although it was only heard by the people in the two buildings.
  • Interest in Australian made movies decreases

    Interest in Australian made movies decreases
    The impact of WW1 brought upon a downfall of Australian movie making companies. People were becoming tired of Australian stories and narratives, and wanted to see more of other countries. Australian cinema chains soon realised that it was cheaper to buy from America, and started showing American films in cinemas, instead of Australian made ones.
  • The Sealed Set Scheme

    The Sealed Set Scheme
    In May 1923 the government called a conference for the main radio players to ensure regulations and set boundaries. This meant that only those who had a radio licence could broadcast their shows.
  • 2FC licensed to broadcast

    2FC licensed to broadcast
    On July 1st 1923, 2FC Sydney (ABC Radio National) was the fist company to be licensed to broadcast. This started a wave of other companies to join, and eventually led to what we now know as radio.
  • First national Australian radio broadcast

    First national Australian radio broadcast
    Broadcasters (Sydney) Ltd were the fist company to air their program. They had been in competition with 'Farmer and Company, 2FC', but managed to come out ahead in the race.
    The first piece of music ever broadcasted over Australian air was the piece "The Swan" from "The Carnival of the Animals" by Saint Saens. "The Swan" by Saint Saens, performed by Yo-Yo Ma (not the version broadcasted over the radio)
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    The Golden Years of Radio

    By the early 1940s the Australian radio broadcasting scene was well established. With around 130 commercial stations, the radio was full of news, education, music and parliamentary broadcasting. The radio became a necessity in all households, and the radio stations were more community orientated.
  • John Gorton initiates government support for the film and arts industry

    John Gorton initiates government support for the film and arts industry
    The Australian Prime Minister from 1968-1971, John Gorton initiated government support for the film and the arts industries. This funding supported Australian film companies, and led to the resurgence of the Australian film industry.