Importance of radio and movies as changer of popular culture in Australia.

By croftos
  • The first commercial broadcasters

    The first commercial broadcasters
    The first commercial broadcasters took place. It took place in Sydney. It was originally known as "B" class stations.
  • Every Australian has accses to a radio

    Every Australian has accses to a radio
    By 1930 nearly every Australian had access to a radio source
  • Both parties agree to a national system

    Both parties agree to a national system
    Both parties agreed to a national system. Labour party were especially interested because it allowed them to bypass news as newspapers were in control of the opposition
  • Europe and America face a crises

    Europe and America face a crises
    European and American radio services faced both political and financial crises. This took place between 1950 - 1960
  • First film fesitival in melbourne

    First film fesitival in melbourne
    First Melbourne Film Festival. Robert Menzies attended the screening of The Beauty and the Beast
  • The Australian Film Institute was established

    The Australian Film Institute was established
    The Australian Film Institute was established. It was a not-for-profit organisation to create film culture
  • Skippy the bush kangaroo released

    Skippy the bush kangaroo released
    Skippy the bush kangaroo released in Australia, and in Britain, France and Germany
  • Labour Government commenced a brodcasting renaissance.

    Labour Government commenced a brodcasting renaissance.
    The Labour government commenced a broadcasting renaissance. At the time the prime minister was Gough Whitlam. This helped what occoured in 1990.
  • Picnic at Hanging Rock

    Picnic at Hanging Rock
    Picnic at Hanging Rock was made and released
  • Colour TV

    Colour TV
    In 1975 Colour TV was released
  • Crocodile Dundee

    Crocodile Dundee
    The famous Australian movie Crocodile Dundee was released
  • 50 different radio services

    50 different radio services
    By this there were 50 different radio services available. There weere lots of different groups based on peoples taste, religion, language, culture, etc