Important Events in Patria's Life

  • Patria Mirabal is Born

    Patria Mercedes Mirabal was born in Ojo De Agua.
  • Patria's Sister Dede is Born

  • Patria's Sister Minerva is Born

  • Trujillo's Dictatorship Begins

  • Patria's Sister Maria Teresa is Born

    Patria's youngest sister, who they call "mate" is born.
  • Patria Marries Pedrito Gonzalez

    She meets this man while cleaning his feet.
  • Patria Buries Baby

    Patria burries her baby Juan who sadly died 5 months after being born.
  • Trujillo's Party in His Mansion

    Papa got a special invite to attend a party in Trujillo's mansion. He birngs along Minerva, Patria, and Dede.
  • Patria's Father Dies

    Papa dies shortly after getting out of prison. He is sick and weak and he had a heart attack in prison. The funeral brings Papa's secret family and his main family closer in some ways.
  • Fourteenth of June Movement

    On the 14th of June in 1959, Patria was on a retreat led by Padre de Jesus. The place she was staying at got bombed and she witnesses soemthing that changed her mind completely.
  • Patria's Son Raul Ernesto is Born

    She names Raul after a Cuban Revolutionary Leader.
  • Nelson Arrested

    Nelson is arrested for being connected with the revolution. (There is no specific date for when he was arrested but I thought it was still important to include)
  • Nelson is Released From Prison

    Patria's son, Nelson, is finally released from prison. He is very bruised and weak.
  • Patria Mirabal is Killed

    Trujillo had Patria, Maria Teresa, and Minerva assassinated.
  • Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa are Killed

    Trujillo had the 3 sisters killed because of there help in the revolution.