Exercise and sleep
I exercise every week one time ,it takes 1/2 hour I don't exercise a lot but I want to be exercise every day.
I wasn't get enough sleep before the school but since the school started I like to sleep early to get enough sleep like on 10 o'clock to 6:30 that time keeps me feeling I slept enough time .
I feel tired a lot because I have some problems with breathing and that's makes me so tired, and some times I can't feel with any energy I feel like I'm just laziness. -
Fitness and eating
My fitness level maybe 2 because because I can't walk tow mile without stopping , and I can't jog more than 5 times because my breathing going to stop, and I don't want to left any weight because I'm not fat if I want to left some weight only a 3 pounds, I can do 15 squats without stopping and I can't do any push ups.
I don't have any bad habits with eating I'm actually good with eating , and I don't have a addicted of particular of food,I eat anything ,and I eat enough I want.