Imperialism Timeline

By JH020
  • The Purchase of Alaska (pg. 410)

    For Decades, Russia and Great Britain both claimed the cast territory of Alaska. Seeking Byers, Russia found Seward to be an enthusiastic champion of the Idea of the IS purchasing Alaska. As a result, Congress purchased Alaska for $7.2 million. This was important in the expanding of the United States because it greatly increased the United States size and lead to new resources.
  • Naval Power (pg. 411)

    US Navy Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote in his book that a strong navy was crucial to a country’s ambitions of securing foreign markers and becoming a world power. Because the US were increasing their naval dominance, they had more control over the worlds trade which in turn lead to more power. The United States expanded by this because the nation was increasing its dominance around the globe.
  • Causes of War (pg.412)

    American public opinion was beginning to be swept by a growing wave of jingoism, which is an ingtense form of nationalism calling for an aggressive foreign policy. Expansionists demanded that the United States take its place with eh imperialist nations of Europe as a world power. This shows a expansion in the United States because now the citizens are pressuring the idea of the country being a great world power.
  • Invasion of Cuba (pg. 414)

    Attacks by both American an Cuban forces succeeded in defeating the much larger but poorly lead Spanish army. Less heroic but more important than the taking of San Juan Hill was the success of the US Navy in destroying the Spanish fleet at Santiago Bay. Because of this, Spain was forced to stop fighting and ask for terms of peace. This shows the United States expanding because they are now using their great Naval forces to assert dominance over other countries.
  • Open Door Policy in China (pg. 416)

    The United States were involved with global politics as a result of John Hay’s policies toward China. To prevent the United States from losing access to the lucrative China trade, Hay dispatched a diplomatic note to nations controlling spheres of influence. This shows the United States expanding because they were not getting involved with global politics to benefit the country.
  • Boxer Rebellion (pg. 417)

    As the 19th century ended, nationalism and xenophobia was on the rise in China. This resulted in a secret society of Chinese nationalists to attack foreign settlements and murder dozens of Christian missionaries. As a result of this action the United States administered troops in an international force that marched into Beijing and quickly crushed the rebellion of the Boxers. This shows the expanding of the United States because they were not asserting power within other countries.
  • Theodore Roosevelts Big-Stick Policy (pg. 416)

    Describing his foreign policy, the new president had once said that it was his motto to “speak softly and carry a big stick.” The press labeled “big stick” as his aggressive forensic policy. By acting boldly and decisively in a number os situations, Roosevelt attempted to build the reputation of the US as a world power. This shows the expanding of the US because now it was a priority of the president to make sure others see the United States as a dominant world power.