European Trade With Africa Becomes Well Established
This trade set the stage for the European imperialism in Africa. Europe was industrializing, and they needed more resources. Africa was had plenty, and many territories were easy to conquer due to lack of technology on their part, and advanced technology on the Europeans part. -
East India Company Crashes due to Seproy Rebellion; British Raj Starts
The English had been indirecly controlling India. However, the Hindus and Muslims in India heard a rumor that the guns they were recieving had pork and cow meat on them, and that you would have to bit on these things in order to take them off the gun. This angered both religons, because cows are sacred to Hindus, and Muslims cant eat pork. Therefore, the rebelled against the British. They conquered the East India Company but Britain than came back and established direct control of India. -
Suez Canal Connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas
This was a major accomplishment for the Europeans because tjhe Meditteranean Sea and the Indian Ocean were now connected, and this made trade a lot easier for the Europeans, who wanted to get to Asia. -
Berlin Conference Meets to Discuss Terms for African Colonization
The King of Belgium set up the Berlin Conference. This conference was set up to prevent disputes over land between Europeans. But the Europeans did not invite any Africans, so artifical boundaries were set up with no thought as to different tribes and languages and cultures. So many enemy tribes were put together in a country, and many tribles were forcefully split up. -
Queen Liliuokalani Takes the Throne of Hawaii
Queen Liliuokalani took the throne when the king was thrown out for being an incompetent ruler. She was the last ruler of Hawii, as it was then annexed by the United States. Eventually, it would be the last of the 50th states in the US. The US had an interest in it because of Hawii's huge supply of sugar cane. -
Ethiopians Defeat the Invading Italians at the Battle of Adwa
The Ethiopians were really the only succesfull African country to stay free of European control. Menelik was a very competent leader, and he was able to turn invading countries against each other. He beat the Italians by modernizing Ethiopia's weapons. -
Spanish-American War Begins; Puerto Rico and the Philippines Taken From Spain
The United States one this prominent battle against the Spanish so they won a lot of territory. Puerto Rico was one the territories they won, and it remains annexed by the United States today. The United States also took control of the Philipines, which they indirectly controlled for a while. However, the Philipines is today an independent country. -
Boer War in South Africa
The Boer War was a major war fought between three groups: the Dutch Farmers, or Boers, the British, and the Zulu. This war was significant because it was the first all out, modernized war. The Boers were trying to maintain keep their land, and the British were trying to take control of it. The Dutch used guerrilla tactics, and the British used concentration camps. Eventually, the Boers ended up fleeing, and the British got control of the land, which is in South Africa. -
Most of Africa is Under European Control
The European countries really went crazy getting land for their countries. They were driven by thier lust for finding resources and getting money, expanding thier countries, and by a fierce desire to spread Christianity. Ultimately, Ethiopia was the only country that stayed free. This was because they modernized, and many there converted to Christianity. They convinced many Europeans not to hurt them as they were also Christians. Also, Menilik turned Europeans agianst each other.