Imperialism - Leggett

  • Period: to


    imperialism - domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or Main Idea:
  • Russo Turkish War

    Russo Turkish War
    Russia declares war against Turkey this led the the Trety of San Stefano.
  • Congress of Berlin

    Congress of Berlin
    Russia takes away gains from Sam Stefano and also Bulgaria was divided into 3 parts.
  • Treaty of San Stefano

    Treaty of San Stefano
    This created a large independant state of Bulgaria it was administered by Russia.
  • British Occupation

    British Occupation
    Britian took over Egypt for strategic reasons and also for pursuit on national prestige.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    European power partioned almost the entire continent of Africa. They took over new borders and frontiers.
  • Bismark takeover

    Bismark takeover
    Bismark took four settlements in hope to distract France from Europe.
  • Reinsurance Treaty

    Reinsurance Treaty
    Their was a alliance between Russia and Germany they always maintained neutrality in the third party.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    This war involved guerrilla fighting the British later on won the war.
  • British Takes Its Share

    British Takes Its Share
    British ajointed with the Cape Coloy and former Boer republics into the Union of South Africa.The Constitution used a government ran by whites.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated
    There are many factors, including, Militarism, Alliamces, Imperialism & Nationalism, but this is the single event that sparked or ignited World War I.