Imperialism Journal

  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    The treaty ended the Opium War between China and Britain. The agreement included China's payment to the British and the colonization of Hong Kong.
  • The Seizing of the Arrow

    The Seizing of the Arrow
    Several Chinese men boarded the Arrow, a ship registered by Britain. The boat had an odd history considering that it was originally logged in Hong Kong, yet it sported a British flag.
  • Tianjin Treaties

    Tianjin Treaties
    Britain and France pressured China to sign treaties with them that involved opening ports for Western use.
  • British Diplomats Denied Entry

    British Diplomats Denied Entry
    When given unjust terms of peace (like Britain would be able to establish diplomatic legations in Beijing), previously closed to foreign ambassadorial presence., China refused to sign them and once their timeframe ran out, Britain and France were officially at war with the Chinese empire.
  • British Loot the Qing Imperial Palace

    British Loot the Qing Imperial Palace
    During the Second Opium War, British troops ransacked and burned an emperor's summer residence. The Chinese soon surrendered and the war ceased.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    The United States enacted these policies to protect privileges when trading with China.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    A large group of Christians revolted in China. Both Chinese Christians and foreigners attempted to reside in the Legation Quarter.