Period: to
The Discovery of Diamonds and Gold
Diamonds and Gold were soon discovered in large quanities on African soil. Since these were extremely valuable items (and still are today) the caused thousands of people to flock to Africa and increased the race to take it over. -
France is Granted Claims to African Land
Also in 1882 a treaty was drawn up that gave France rights to the land north of the bank of the Congo River. They were soon followed by all the other major countries of the time. -
The First Claims are made to Africa
During this time thanks to a man named David Livingstone who lived and befriended the Africans the first claims to Africa were made to Belgium. This event was motivated by the hope to end the slave trade. -
The Berlin Conference
Although this conference began in 1884 it ended in 1885. This conference was put in place to help set laws in place in regards to the division of Africa in order to prevent fighting. During this conference Africa was completely left out of the decision. -
Great Britian Gains Control of Zulu
During 1816 a Zulu cheif named Shaka created a central state that sttod tall for many years against Europes many attempts to take it over but evenutally this mighty state fell to British rule.