Imperialism in Africa

  • Period: to

    The Great Trek

    The Great Trek was a mass evacuation of Boers in Cape colony due to the dislike of European law
  • South African Republic Recolonized

    South African Republic Recolonized
    Video European countries finally reconized the South African republic Source
  • Period: to

    Suez Cannal Construction

    The Suez cannal allowed Europeans to have a more direct route to East Africa
  • The Colonization of South Africa

    The Colonization of South Africa
    Video South Africa was colonized by England <a
    href='' >Source</a>
  • Annexation of South Africa

    Annexation of South Africa
    Source Great Britian wants to annex South Africa to take advantage of the trade routes to India, the diamond mines and to lead the race for European colonial power in Africa
  • Period: to

    The 1st Boer War

    This war was fought between the rebeling Boers and the Brittish.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    Source The Berlin Conference was a meeting at which representitives of European nations agreed upon rules for the European colonization of Africa. Video
  • Discovery of Gold

    Discovery of Gold
    Source Gold was discovered in the South Afican republic period, this made the potential to be the richest and most powerful nation a reality. They did not have enough man power to mine the massive quantities of gold. <a
    href='' >Video</a>
  • The Colonization of Congo

    The Colonization of Congo
    SourcE Congo was colonized by Belgium
  • The Colonization of Kenya

    The Colonization of Kenya
    Source: Kenya was colonized by Great Britain
  • Period: to

    The 2nd Boer War

    This was ended with a signing of the Peace Treaty and the Boer Repbulics agreed to come under Great Britain rule
  • British Occupency in 1900

    British Occupency in 1900
    Video The British Occy Bloenfontein, Johannesburg, and Pretoria. Occuping these regions was crutial in gaining Great Britian ritches and ending the second bler war. Source
  • The Signing of the Treaty of Vereeniging

    The Signing of the Treaty of Vereeniging
    Source This treaty known as the Peace of Vereeniging ending the second Boer was between the South African Republic and the Republic of the Orange free state on one side, and Great Britain.
  • European colonization in Africa

    European colonization in Africa
    Video Push for Africa: Economic, Political, and Social reasons Source
  • West Africa Colonization

    West Africa Colonization
    Video West Africa is almost completely under French control. Source
  • Assanation of Juvenal Habyarinana

    Assanation of Juvenal Habyarinana
    Video Europe infulenced this event which lead to the jenocide of Africans Source