
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    British merchants smuggled opium from India into China. In return, the British merchants received tea, silk, and porcelain. Many Chinese became very addicted to opium so China tried to put an end to the smuggling. The British easily defeated the Chinese.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    The Treaty of Nanjing was a peace treaty that put an end to the First Opium Wars. The treaty was "unequal" because Britain didn't give anything up and gained a lot. The treaty gave Britain a lot of money and Hong Kong.
  • The Sepoy Rebellion

    The Sepoy Rebellion
    Sepoys which were Indian soldiers decided to rebel against the British taking over their land. The revolt was a failure because Britain took control and ended the rebellion within one year. As a result of the revolt, Parliament tightened control of India and put an end to the East India Co. dominance.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    Peasants set a section of Beijing that was the Europeans' on fire for months while the Chinese government allowed this brutal action. In the end, European soldiers defeated the peasants who set siege to their land.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The Roosevelt Corollary is an extension to the Monroe Doctrine that was issued by Roosevelt. The Roosevelt Corollary was issued to protect the economic interests in America. It gave the U.S. the power to be an "international police power" in the Western Hemisphere. The United States used the Roosevelt Corollary to justify U.S. intervention in Latin America.
  • The Revolution of 1911

    The Revolution of 1911
    The Qing Dynasty ruled China in 1911 in a way that upset the Chinese citizens that wanted to live under a modern, independent republic. The Chinese rebelled against the Qing dynasty and the Chinese citizens won. They then formed a democracy.
  • The Panama Canal Built

    The Panama Canal Built
    President Roosevelt desired to have a canal built through Panama. The only way Colombia would allow this build is if Roosevelt payed $10 million in addition to a yearly payment for the rights to build the canal. Colombia asked for more so the United States encouraged and backed Panama's revolt against Colombia. Once they won, Panama allowed America to build a canal.