Imperialism and the Open Door Policy

  • Second Opium War

    Second Opium War
    Great Britain and France are trying to extend their trading rights to china
  • Treaties of Tianjin

    This treaty was signed by the British, French and Chinese. This was the end to the first part of the Second Opium war. There was many more treaties signed so trading between western culture and China could take place.
  • Beijing Convention

    This was the end to the Second Opium War and when China accepts the Treaties of Tianjin so that trade between China and Western trading culture can begin.
  • China's Disarray

    China is in political and economic chaos while other imperial nations are fighting fore spheres and influence.
  • Open Door Policy

    Jon Hay sent a note to Germany, France, Great Britian, Italy, Japan and Russia stating that each of the great powers should get access to treaty port, only Chinese government should collect taxes on trade and that no other great power having a sphere should be granted from paying harbor dues or railroad charges.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Chinese individuals attempted to rebel with arms to attempt to end foreign occupation of their country.
  • World War II Ends

    World War II Ends
    Japan is defeated in World War II and the changes to the world order makes the Open Door Policy useless.
  • Open Door Policy is officially Meaningless

    After Japan lost in World War II, all special privilege's that foreigners had was gone, making the policy meaningless.