Imperialism and the Open Door

  • President McKinley States Desire

    President McKinley stated the desire for the creation of an "open door" that will allow all trading nations access to China
  • John Hay's Open Door Note

  • Open Door Policy

    Part one
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Chinese nationalist resorted to armed opposition in attempt to end foreign occupation of China
  • Open Door Policy

    Part 2
  • President McKinley's Death

  • John Hay's Death

  • Russo-Japanese War

  • Washigton Naval Conference

    Effort was made to shore up the open door policy
  • Nine Power Treaty

    Agreement signed by nine powers. Affirms China's sovereignty.
  • Japan expanded their control in Manchuria

  • Japanese In invasion

    Japanese invade Manchuria
  • Second Sino- Japanese War Starts

  • Second Sino- Japanese War Ends

  • World War II Ends

    China is no longer a sovereign state
  • Mao becomes leader

    Mao proclaims the establishment of the people's republic of china